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The FDA Approves New Alzheimer’s Drug

September 13, 2021

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a new drug under the trademark Aduhelm™ to treat Alzheimer’s disease. The drug, Aducanumab, is a therapeutic drug that clinically demonstrates a potential to delay further decline from Alzheimer’s disease and…

Issues with Sleep as You Age

August 30, 2021

It is often we hear it from older family and friends – “I had a terrible sleep last night.” Or perhaps “I kept waking up with my mind racing and couldn’t fall back to sleep.” Sleep patterns tend to change,…

Beware of Intestate

According to and despite the COVID-19 pandemic, overall percentages of older Americans without a will, in essence, remain the same. Remarkably, younger adults with a will show an increase of sixty-three percent comparative to pre-pandemic times. This 18 –…

Being a Long-Distance Caregiver

July 26, 2021

Long distance caregiving as providing care for a person who lives an hour or more away, as defined by The National Institute on Aging (NIA). This type of caregiving takes many forms – from arranging for in-home care, money management,…

Why Everyone Needs a Will

A survey about wills shows the number of Americans with a will has had a minimal increase of only 2.5 percent over the past year. Overall, the percentage of those with a will continues to decline, 33 percent in…

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